To support your puppy through this time (and save your antique armoire), try using frozen food stuffed toys like Toppls or Kongs. Read more
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Puppy Academy Blog
Find Everything from training tips to puppy behavior, socialization, and nutrition. Whether you’re a first-time puppy parent or looking to fine-tune your training approach, these posts provide practical insights to help you raise a happy, well-behaved dog.

Expert Dog Training & Care Tips
Problems With Puppy Socialization
Do you ever notice the dogs that can walk through a busy park and stay connected to their pet parent? They can pass by another dog without a second glance. They can walk by people without becoming overexcited or pulling. If this is the type of dog, you wish to have, read this article!
So You Just Brought Home a Dog
Whether you just brought home a brand new puppy or adopted an adult dog from a local shelter, these tips will help you start right!
How To Reduce Jumping
One of the most common complaints from pet parents is that their dog jumps up on people. It may include jumping on the pet parents, kids in the home, or on guests that visit.
Help, My Puppy Pees In The House!
Housetraining can be frustrating. It feels like you are literally taking your dog out always, and yet you still find pee on the bathroom rug. Let’s say you’re NOT alone puppy owners of Vero Beach, FL.
Does Your Dog Bark More Than You’d Like?
Barking can be a fun pastime for the bored dog. But it’s important to understand WHY your dog is barking to make lasting change.
Choosing The Right Dog
How much time do you have to spend with a dog? How much time can you spend with a dog each day? How much space do you have?
Want To Take Your Dog Everywhere?
When it comes to raising adventure dogs, it’s all about the long game with training. Thanks to modern technology, Lola’s parents continue to work with Goldstar Puppy Academy virtually even though they are thousands of miles away.