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Teaching Your Dog To Greet Guests Politely

Teaching Your Dog To Greet Guests Politely

Teaching Your Dog To Greet Guests Politely Does your dog jump on guests the second they walk through your front door? Watch how we handle this with Teddy! When guests come over we make sure to have him on a leash and have tasty treats to reward him for paying...

Choosing The Right Dog

Choosing The Right Dog

How much time do you have to spend with a dog? How much time can you spend with a dog each day? How much space do you have?

Want To Take Your Dog Everywhere?

Want To Take Your Dog Everywhere?

When it comes to raising adventure dogs, it’s all about the long game with training. Thanks to modern technology, Lola’s parents continue to work with Goldstar Puppy Academy virtually even though they are thousands of miles away.